Illumine Inspection Support & School Improvement
RAISE analysis SEF checks Pre-Inspection Support for schools
Most popular services:
Whole school review
Self-evaluation for continuous school iimprovement
Improving teaching & learning

Inclusion review

SEN Review

EYFS review
Raising achievement in mathematics
Bespoke SEN training

Consultancy tailored to a school's individual needs


The inclusion review is an opportunity to raise achievement through a consultant taking an in-depth look at:

  • how well the school is using its pupil premium funding and the impact this is having, particularly in terms of the achievement of pupils known to be eligible for free school meals;

  • how well the school provides for pupils with special educational needs and the progress they are making;

  • how well the school provides for pupils for whom English is an additional language and the impact this has;

  • how well it provides for gifted and talented pupils;

  • how well teaching supports the progress of these different groups of pupils and how it could be strengthened;

  • the effectiveness of senior and middle leaders, and governors, in ensuring all groups of pupils make equally good progress.