Illumine Inspection Support & School Improvement
RAISE analysis SEF checks Pre-Inspection Support for schools
Most popular services:
Whole school review
Self-evaluation for continuous school iimprovement
Improving teaching & learning

Inclusion review

SEN Review

EYFS review
Raising achievement in mathematics
Bespoke SEN training

Consultancy tailored to a school's individual needs

  Self-Evaluation for Continuous School Improvement

Although schools are no longer obliged to complete a SEF, self-evaluation remains central to effective senior and middle leadership and to driving school improvement as strategically as possible. This service:

  • includes a combination of analysis, scrutiny of existing self-evaluation and monitoring systems, in-depth discussion with leaders;

  • may include some joint observation of aspects of the school's work;

  • includes coaching in Illumine's self-evaluation system which provides a simple but powerful means of driving continuous school improvement;

  • where necessary, this can form the basis for developing a more sharply defined self-evaluation summary for the school.